Trabajos en reuniones de la Familia Internacional de Clasificaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud
Clinical management in Hospital-Household and Household-Community interfaces in children with physical disabilities using ICF-CY
Brasilia – 2012
National Center for FIC in Chile
Establishment, Goals and Challenges
Beijing – 2013
Coordination Program in the Education-Health Interface for Early Childhood with Special Needs (ICF Validation Instrument)
Barcelona – 2014
Use of case reports in clinical management as educational strategy to teach biopsychosocial model of functioning and disability
Manchester - 2015
Socioeconomic determinants of health on early chilhood with disability and family (Maule, Chile). Validation and application of an instrument with ICF language.
Tokio – 2016
Impacto n Clinical Applicability of the ICF Educational estrategy based in Clinical Management “from policy to functionals profiles”
Mexico – 2017
Cideas - Centro de Innovación y Desarrollo en ámbito de Salud · 2018